Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Diverse sources

Question: Explain the Diverse sources of current ethical and cultural issues. Answer: In present environment, ethics has prime role regarding conduct a business properly. Since, it not helps society to grow as a whole but also provide advantage to the businesses. This study evaluates the impact of home ownership rules to the livelihood of the indigenous people. Therefore, the study focuses on to critically analyze every factor regarding indigenous home ownership in order to evaluate the kind of impact it can made on the overall economical development. The study also critically analyzes whether community is more important regarding a business introduction or individual spark. Diverse sources of current ethical and cultural issues: From the case study, I found that private home ownership in the indigenous land has emerged as one of the major cultural issues of Australian society. Since, home ownership has the potential to have major contribution in providing financial security to the people. Form the study, I found that majority of the people in Australia has the right to have the ownership of homes and lands. Therefore, not providing home ownership in the traditional indigenous land has emerged as the top cultural issues of the society (Acevedo 2011). From the study, I found that traditional indigenous lands are the only places in Australia where nobody can have private home ownership. As a result, I believe that it not only affecting other individuals from the Australian society to have ownership of the indigenous land but also affecting financial security of the indigenous people of the Australian society. I evaluate that majority of the assets of indigenous Australians are communally own. Therefore, it not only affecting financial security of the indigenous people but also has adverse impact on the economic development (Kline 2011). I estimated that communal ownership has major negative influence on property taxes. As a result, income level of the economy effected as well. Understanding of the global management skills: Global management skill regarding indigenous community development will have to consider several factors. From the study, it can be evaluated that many businesses started doing business without including local people (Kwarciński 2012). As a result, the indigenous community cannot able to have any benefit from the introduction of new businesses. This not only affected the overall economical development of the indigenous society but also increasing level of dissatisfaction as well. However, in the present competitive business environment every organization is looking to implement strategies that have the potential to provide competitive advantage (Roberts 2012). Hence, management skills of the organization becoming more crucial in order to minimize the dissatisfaction level of the indigenous people of the Australian community. The study evaluated the fact that global managers will not only have to focus on the revenue level of the company but also will have to ensure that it is doing its bit to help economical development of the indigenous people of the community. Hence, management skill will have to consider balancing the revenue level of the organization with the economical development of the indigenous society (Ma et al. 2012). For instance, the study has mentioned that the management will have to consider specific percentage of indigenous people to include into the business so that it can able to maintain business ethics properly. Impact of the different cultural and ethical values in the interaction process within the organization: As per the article by Neiman (2012), differences in cultural values can have major impact on the ethical practices. Since, people develop their perception based on their values, which is highly influenced by the culture in which they born and brought up. Therefore, I believe that it is necessary for every organization to develop an organizational culture, which will influence people regardless of their culture to come up with new and innovative ideas (Mande 2012). In addition, I found that the study highlighted that it is very important for an organization working in an indigenous community to take at least 25% of the indigenous people. Now, I believe that it obvious that the culture of the indigenous people is highly different as compared with other people. Therefore, I think these differences in culture will create barriers in the overall communication structure of a particular organization. Now, I strongly believe that effective communication within the organizational structure have major role in providing competitive advantage in the organization (Gallagher 2012). Furthermore, communication barrier can also restrict individuals to share their perspectives, which will eventually de-motivate them towards their work. Hence, it is necessary for the management to develop an atmosphere that can allow organization to perform its communication process in a smoother way (Ryan 2012). Analysis of indigenous topics in the contemporary business: I found that the concept of indigenous topic has able to gather huge amount of interest over the past few decades. In the context of the study that highlighted the impact of home ownership rules for the indigenous people and its impact on the businesses. I found that many organizations have implemented many strategies in order to improve the economical condition of the indigenous society. However, from the study I found that home ownership factor has huge amount of negative impact on the financial security of the indigenous people. Therefore, I think organizations will have to provide extra benefits so that these people can able to have a far better financial secure life. However, I do understand that organizations will have to invest extra for the development of these people. In fact, many studies have mentioned that majority of the indigenous people does not possess any specific skill set, which an organization can utilize to increase its revenue level (Neiman 2012). Therefore, I think it is up to the organizations to provide training to these indigenous people so that they can able to contribute to the profit level of the organization. Thus, I think organizations will have to make long-term investment in order to have benefits from the people. In addition, I found from the study that the government would provide concessions and other benefits for the organizations that would employ 75% of its total employee from the indigenous society (Toiviainen 2012). Therefore, I think that it can have serious impact on the business processes of the organization. Review of the article: As per my opinion, the article analyzes different factors related to indigenous community in order to assess the kind of impact it can have on the business processes. At the beginning, I found that the home ownership rules of indigenous land actually have huge amount of negative impact on the economical development process of the society. Since, I found that people would not have to pays property tax to the government that they actually possess. Since, it is not under the rules of individual ownership (Orozco and Poonamallee 2013). As a result, I found that the revenue level of the government affected hugely, which eventually minimizes the possibility of economic development of the society. From the study, I also make out that most of the organizations are reluctant to utilize local people of the indigenous society in the organizational structure. I believe this is primarily because of the lack of knowledge and skills of these people. As a result, organizations look to import people from different geographical are so that they can able to fulfill the requirement of the organization effectively (Saxena 2012). However, I think this has to be considered as a major ethical issue that organizations will have to consider. Since, I found it actually minimizes the possibility of economical development of the indigenous society. Conclusion: In present context, the concept of indigenous has major impact on the business processes as well. Since, globalization has made organizations to work in different culture. Therefore, they have to include local people in its organizational structure in order to maintain its goodwill in the society. Furthermore, increase number of refugees in the developed countries also has major influence on the concept of indigenous people, as the economies will have to face challenges regarding more and more introduction of different cultures. Hence, organizations will have to be extremely careful before implementing any business strategies so that it able to maintain its ethics properly. References: Acevedo, Alma. 2011. "Personalist Business Ethics And Humanistic Management: Insights From Jacques Maritain".J Bus Ethics105 (2): 197-219. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0959-x. Gallagher, A. 2012. "Ethics And Compromised Consciousness".Nursing Ethics19 (4): 449-450. doi:10.1177/0969733012449782. Kline, William. 2011. "HumeS Theory Of Business Ethics Revisited".J Bus Ethics105 (2): 163-174. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0956-0. Kwarciński, Tomasz. 2012. "Ethics Of Business Or Ethics For Business? Two Models For Teaching Business Ethics".MBA.CE3(116): 42-49. doi:10.7206/mba.ce.2084-3356.14. Ma, Zhenzhong, Dapeng Liang, Kuo-Hsun Yu, and Yender Lee. 2012. "Most Cited Business Ethics Publications: Mapping The Intellectual Structure Of Business Ethics Studies In 2001-2008".Bus Ethics Eur Rev21 (3): 286-297. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2012.01652.x. Mande, WilsonMuyinda. 2012. "Business Ethics Course And Readiness Of MBA Students To Manage Ethically".Afr J Bus Ethics6 (2): 133. doi:10.4103/1817-7417.111024. Neiman, Paul. 2012. "A Social Contract For International Business Ethics".J Bus Ethics114 (1): 75-90. doi:10.1007/s10551-012-1332-4. Orozco, David and Latha Poonamallee. 2013. "The Role Of Ethics In The Commercialization Of Indigenous Knowledge".J Bus Ethics119 (2): 275-286. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1640-3. Roberts, Robert. 2012. "Narrative Ethics".Philosophy Compass7 (3): 174-182. doi:10.1111/j.1747-9991.2011.00472.x. Ryan, Cheyney. 2012. "The Dialogue Of Global Ethics".Ethics International Affairs26 (01): 43-47. doi:10.1017/s0892679412000238. Saxena, K. B. 2012. "Book Review: Land And Cultural Survival: The Communal Land Rights Of Indigenous People In Asia".Social Change42 (2): 289-295. doi:10.1177/004908571204200210. Toiviainen, L. 2012. "Book Review: Confessions: Confounding Narrative And Ethics".Nursing Ethics19 (2): 304-304. doi:10.1177/0969733012438645.

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